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Shapley's Original MTG Plus 32 oz

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Ship it today? Order by 3pm, Mon-Fri
Free sameday pickup Order by 4pm Mon-Fri; by 2pm on Sat
Article number: 674422122765
Original M-T-G successfully treats the following conditions: rain rot, dew poisoning, scratches, mud fever, greasy heal, sweet itch, girth itch, itchy skin, dandruff and tail rubbing. It has been touted to work on thrush and white line disease.

Original M-T-G is formulated to eliminate the causative agent creating the skin problems so it treats at the source to dry up and heal the affected area. Its special ingredients also condition the skin and hair around the problem area which promotes both healthy skin and hair regrowth. Original M-T-G keeps the skin conditioned while creating a barrier against the elements. It offers quick relief and visible hair growth in 3-5 days.